East Corindor

East Corindor is World of Elves. They control equilibrium in Corindor and use sacred forest magic.

"no mana between world of Corindor" -  Aldaz High Shaman
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Elves from east Corindor have four level in class rank:

 is basic skill level on East Corindor. Very young elfs got rank novice. They use low level magic power for making   potion and simply artefacts. They don't approach to better spells and artifacts. More training, more experience.

is second skill level on East Corridor. Leech elves have got  approach to better spells and artefacts. More experience from travels  and studium of magic.
Sun and Moon
only few of elves have this rank. With this rank shaman  may talking with spirits. They may use sacred magic formulas, expelling  curse from body and artefacts. Each elven town have its shaman.

only three elves got this rank. Is a shaman of higher rank. High shamans have very power magic formulas. They may talking with gods  and undead. They are very closure and weird. Live in forest and beyond  from civilization.